The GREASE Data Models

This section covers the different collections of GREASE’s MongoDB instance.

Prototype Configurations (GREASE configs)

Prototype configurations tell GREASE what to do with data it detects, and where to detect it from. A Typical config will look like this:

    "name": String, # <-- Unique name for your configuration
    "job": String, # <-- name of command to be run if logic is true
    "exe_env": String, # <-- If not provided will be default as 'general'
    "source": String, # <-- source of data to be provided
    "retry_maximum": int, # <-- Maximum number of times your command will run before stopping. Default is 5 retries.
    "logic": { # <-- Logical blocks to be evaluated by Detection
        "Regex": [ # <-- example for regex detector
                "field": String, # <-- field to process
                "pattern": String # <-- pattern to match

NOTE: This is only an example. See the detection documentation for all the options available to you!

These are stored as JSON files either in the config directory of the project <PROJECT_ROOT>/tgt_grease/enterprise/Model/config or in the GREASE directory in the etc folder <GREASE_DIR>/etc/ and the file ends with .config.json. Another place to store these configurations is within MongoDB in the Configuration collection with the key type set to prototype_config.


The JobServer Collection

The JobServer collection is used for data pertaining to Job Servers/Nodes of a GREASE cluster. A typical record looks like this:

    '_id': ObjectId, # <-- MongoDB ID
    'jobs': Int, # <-- Amount of jobs a node has been assigned
    'os': String, # <-- Operating System of a Node
    'roles': List[String], # <-- Execution Environments a Node will be able to process
    'prototypes': List[String], # <-- Prototypes a Node will run
    'active': Boolean, # <-- Node ready for jobs state
    'activationTime': DateTime # <-- Node activation Time

This is the central registration of a node in GREASE. A node’s registration on their filesystem is the MongoDB ID found in the database.

The SourceData Collection

This collection is responsible for storing all source data. Data is transformed after sourcing traversing through detection & scheduling eventually making it to the JobQueue collection. This is the primary data model found in this collection is this::

    'grease_data': { # <-- Tracing Data for the object moving through the system
        'sourcing': { # <-- Sourcing Data
            'server': ObjectId # <-- Server the source came from
        'detection': { # <-- Detection Data
            'server': ObjectId, # <-- Server assigned to detection
            'start': DateTime, # <-- Time detection server started detection
            'end': DateTime, # <-- Time detection server completed detection
            'detection': Dict # <-- Fields set to be variables in context if any
        'scheduling': { # <-- Scheduling Data
            'server': ObjectId, # <-- Server assigned to scheduling
            'start': DateTime, # <-- Time scheduling started
            'end': DateTime # <-- Time scheduling completed
        'execution': { # <-- Execution Data
            'server': ObjectId, # <-- Server assigned for execution
            'assignmentTime': DateTime, # <-- Time job was assigned
            'completeTime': DateTime, # <-- Time job was completed
            'executionSuccess': Boolean, # <-- Execution Success
            'commandSuccess': Boolean, # <-- Command Success
            'failures': Int, # <-- Job Execution Failures
            'returnData': Dict # <-- Data returned from command
    'source': String, # <-- source data came from
    'configuration': String, # <-- Name of configuration data came from
    'data': Dict, # <-- Actual Response Data
    'createTime': DateTime, # <-- Time of Entry
    'expiry': DateTime # <-- Expiration time

Data is collected from a source and distributed to each individual dictionary in the collection. Nodes will pick up each piece of data and process it based on their assignment.